Port Page
Example URL: https://pentest.ws/e/{engagement.id}/host/{host.id}/port/{port.id}
Port Details
Target: Displays the Target value of the Host
State: A colored dot representing the port's state: Open, Closed, Filtered, Unfiltered
Port: The TCP/UDP port number
Shortcuts: Various quick links
Service: The identified service running on the TCP/UDP port, typically captured from Nmap
Protocol: TCP or UDP
Version: Version of the service, typically captured by Nmap's "-sV" option
Status: User defined status of the port, such as Vulnerable, Reviewed, Need Credentials, etc.
Level Up!
Click the Pencil icon next to the Status field to edit your Status options.
Port Note Pages
Note Pages are available on Hobby Tier and Pro Tier
A rich text editor for taking notes about the current Port. It supports copy-and-paste images from the clipboard for capturing screenshots.
Level Up!
Stay organized by attaching tool output directly to a Port. Create a new Note Page for each command output, such the results dirbusting a web folder or logging a nikto scan.
Checklists are available on Hobby Tier and Pro Tier
Keep track of todo items when testing a Port, for example "don't forget to check robots.txt". This list is populated by your Default Service Checklist when a Port is added to a Host. PenTest.WS will look for a matching service name (http, smb, ftp, etc) and import the checklist items automatically.
Service Commands
Service Commands are available on Hobby Tier and Pro Tier
Based on the service name of the current Port, the Service Commands provides a quick and easy way to run your enumeration and attack commands. Click the clipboard icon to copy the command to your clipboard and paste the command into your terminal.
Use your Service Command Library to create your service command templates. Be sure to include variables such as $ip and $port to target the current Host:Port.
Global Service Notes
GSN is a place to store information about a particular service (http, smb, ftp, etc). These notes are global and not attached to a single Engagement, Host or Port. Next time you encounter the same service, you will see your Global Service Notes for that specific service.
Credentials Section
The Credentials Section lists all credentials captured for the current service under the current Host. If you add a credential for the HTTP service to the host, you will see that credential on all HTTP ports for that host.
Toggle the password visibility by clicking the eye icon in the table header.
Attachments Section
Attachments are automatically created when you import an XML file. The attachment on the Port Page represents information associated with the current Port only.
Tier Availability
Port Page is available on all tiers.
Last updated