Port Scan Templates

Example URL: https://pentest.ws/e/{engagement.id}/import

Port Scan Templates are available on the Scan & Import XML page. Scan templates work using copy-and-paste from the web application to your terminal.

  1. Enter a Target IP or Hostname

  2. Click on a template to copy the command to your clipboard

  3. Open a bash or powershell terminal

  4. Paste and execute

Single Host Port Scans

Scan Templates can include variables such as %tip% to insert your Target IP / Hostname.

Level Up!

Scan a target and automatically import the results into your current Engagement using the PenTest.WS API. The %apikey% variable will be replaced with your API key once you have confirmed your account password.

Do not put your API key directly into templates!

nmap -sC -sV -oA tcp -vv %tip% && curl -X POST "https://pentest.ws/api/v1/e/%eid%/import/nmap" -H  "X-API-KEY: %apikey%" -F "file=@tcp.xml"

Subnet Port Scans

Subnet Port Scans work similar to Single Host Port Scans, with the added field of a DNS Server to resolve hostnames from an IP address range. The Subnet field can be a single IP address (, an IP range ( or CIDR notation (

Creating & Modifying Scan Templates

Click the Edit Templates button to enter Change Mode. Here you will be able to create new scan templates or modify existing templates.

Save your changes and click the Use Templates button to exit Change Mode.

Tier Availability

Port Scan Templates are available on all tiers.

Last updated