Main Window Layout

Example URL:{}/console

Top Menu

The Top Menu contains items associated with your account and not tied to a specific Engagement. These features, such as the Shells Library and General Command Library will load into the Main Content Section when you are in an Engagement. This way you don't have to leave the Engagement to access your User Items.

User Menu

Your Account Settings, Membership Settings and several library managers are accessible from the top right User Menu.

The Sidebar lays out all of the Engagement's Hosts and Services for quick navigation.

The name of the Engagement

Click the Hosts header to expand or collapse the list of Hosts

Import XML

Add Hosts

Expand / Collapse all Hosts details

Refresh the Sidebar's Hosts & Ports list

Sort the Host list alphabetical / numerical

The Board selector

Host Type (server, workstation, router, etc.)

Host OS Type (Windows, Linux, etc.)

Host Target (IP address or hostname)

Load this Host

Host Flags

Host Label

Host Operating System

Click the Services header to expand or collapse the list of Services

Collapse all Service details

Refresh the Service list

The name of the Service

The Host Type and Operating System

Port state : Host Target : Port Number

Load the Host

Load the Port

The Service Version

The Host's Label

Engagement Menu

Under the Top Menu you'll find the Engagement Menu with objects related to the current Engagement. Some options in the Engagement Menu have Sub Menus, such as the Hosts tab.

Filter Indicators

When you select to select a Board or set filters in The Matrix, filter indicators will display in the Engagement menu.

Object Actions

These buttons apply to the current object loaded in the Main Content Section, including the Delete Object button.

Warning: be aware of what object is currently load when clicking Delete Object button. Deleting an Engagement will remove all associated Hosts, Ports, Credentials, Findings and other attached objects.

Some tabs in the Engagement Menu have associated Sub Menus. Here we have selected the Hosts tab which brings up the Hosts Sub Menu.

Last updated