Host Page

Example URL:{}/host/{}

Host Details

Host Type: Categorize the Host as a server, workstation, router, or several other options

OS Type: Linux, Windows, Apple, Android

Target: Host IP address or fully qualified domain name

Hostnames: Additional hostnames, space separated. These hostnames appear on the Port page for use in Service Command Library templates.

Label: User defined label

OS: Operating system version, captured from Nmap XML or user defined.

Flags: Flagged, reviewed, interested, not interested, out-of-scope, shell, owned, color

Note Pages

A rich text editor for taking notes about the current Host. It supports copy-and-paste images from the clipboard for capturing screenshots.

Level Up!

Stay organized by attaching tool output directly to a Host. Create a new Note Page for each command output, such the results dirbusting a web folder or logging a nikto scan.

Note Pages are available in Hobby Tier & Pro Tier

Note Pages History

The content of your Note Pages is automatically stored. You can view previous versions of individual notes by clicking the History button. History data is removed after six (6) months.

Ports Section

The Ports Section of the Host Page shows a summary of known ports associated with the current Host. This list is built by importing XML files or adding ports manually.

Credentials Section

The Credentials Section lists all credentials captured for the current Host.

Toggle the password visibility by clicking the eye icon in the table header.

Attachments Section

Attachments are automatically created when you import an XML file. The attachment on the Host Page represents information associated with the current Host only.

Tier Availability

Host Page is available on all tiers.

Last updated